The Network / Mentors
Hemp Ties It All together

Founder Shawn House
F o under and CEO/CVO - "this business was created through sure will & determination. The time is now to create the team & raise the Capital in 2023-4 that will propel the company to the top"

Steve Logethetis: Councilaire
Hempzels LLC was formed 12/2004. Now retired:Owner of Hemp Basics / Hemp Supply NJ one of my trusted advisors. Hemp Fiber Expert Available Consultations.

Don E. Wirtshafter
From first selling their products through the Ohio Hempery In Athens Ohio to now licensing the rights for the images at the Cannabis Museum in Athens Ohio.

Richard Rose - The Original HempNut

Hanover spelled Backwards
1997 - Our first and oldest bakery partner. One of four ovens in the USA doing it the old fashioned way. Hand Rolled, Stone Hearth Baked, Kiln Dried and hand packed. Great tasting crunchy sourdough, the Original Hemp Pretzel.

Dutch Country Foods
Our Second oldest baking Partner since 1999. The great tasting Lancaster County Soft Pretzel now using US grown Hemp Seed, Flour, Oil in a premium soft hemp pretzel "Hempzels" .
Uncle Henry's Bakery
Another great relationship with the family who is creating our 2nd type of Sourdough Hemp Pretzel - Available Manufacture On Demand.
Produced in 100 lb batches

Blind Spot Nut Butters
Production of our Nut-less Hemp Spreads and HEMPeanut Butter from 1.5 oz to 2 lb tubs.

Cold Storage / 3rd Party 2000
We've had a great relationship with a family owned frozen / cold storage for logistics of our raw hemp, frozen pretzels and other refrigerated frozen products.

Cannabis Museum 2021
We are proud to be offering historical True Cannabis Hemp Artifacts printed on a variety of media for your
Dispensary, Hemp stores and your private collection. Shop
Lancaster County / York County Based
30 plus years with a multitude of connections in Pennsylvania.
Laying the foundation for the right time
True Cannabis Hemp - The New Billion Dollar Crop and that's what the Lancaster Trading House, Inc is committed to doing..
30 plus years with a multitude of connections in Pennsylvania.
Laying the foundation for the right time
True Cannabis Hemp - The New Billion Dollar Crop and that's what the Lancaster Trading House, Inc is committed to doing..