Hemp For Victory I Credit Jack Herer
2000-2004 the DEA wanted us to dispose of our raw hemp grains
He Uncovered the truth
The Hemperor who helped us all.
Jack Herer loved Hempzels - he ate them when Ralph Amato owned the company & I shared them in Washington DC to him - Jack did the research in the National US Archives & found the original US Film for the War - 1942 Hemp For Victory. When I read his book it inspired myself and many in the industry.
2000-2004 Trying.
As a member of the Hemp Industry Association at the time and having just purchased the assets of No Problem, Inc ie, Hempzels™ it was not the way I wanted to start off. I was a signatory to the lawsuit but not a financier. Thanks to David Bronner & his effort we voiced our concern and stopped it but the damage had been done.
As a member of the Hemp Industry Association at the time and having just purchased the assets of No Problem, Inc ie, Hempzels™ it was not the way I wanted to start off. I was a signatory to the lawsuit but not a financier. Thanks to David Bronner & his effort we voiced our concern and stopped it but the damage had been done.

Press Release
Remember these are old phone numbers & addresses - don't use them if you are trying to contact the company. 1-800-USE-HEMP in the USA goes right to the office today 2021 -
This was released when the Lancaster Newspapers proclaimed Hemp Foods To Be Banned - how else do you dispute it?
Have a Taste Test - Bronners', Alpsnacks, Nutiva, and I sent products out throughout the United States to various groups who were standing in front of the DEA's office -
I went to Philadelphia.
Legal Paper Work

The Affidavit Towards the Case
I couldn't afford to finance anything but I added my signature to the affidavit that went to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals where they ruled against the DEA who than did not appeal it to the Supreme Court - basically it was struck down. Thus my insistence #AbolishTheDEA.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.

David Bronner Explains
Reason magazine interviews David Bronner, CEO of Bronner Soaps who helped finance the end of hemp prohibition. One All -
Check out their website
Challenging the agencies stance
The racist history of cannabis prohibition speaks volumes to bad drug laws that are still on the books. David Bronner chained himself in a cage in front of the Obama Whitehouse to protest the way the laws were being enforced.

2004 - 4 years later
This was only one of many hurdles to overcome as a Hemp-entrepreneur. We as an organization had challenged an Agency that had a history of abuse in the "War on Drugs" perpetuated by disgraced Impeached President Richard R. Nixon who didn't want to listen to Pennsylvania Governor Shaffer that "marijuana" should not be a Federal Priority - of course Dick did not listen to common sense from a Pennsylvania Governor.
September 2004 9th Circuit Rules Against the DEA. Read More