Sweet Garlic Jam
Relief Vapor Rub
And a great subtitle
And a great subtitle
Sweet Garlic Jam
One of our "secret" ingredients.
Sweet Garlic Jam
Recipe friendly = used on our signature product lines, HEMPizza's - and Sandwiches part of our "secret" recipe.
Great with bagels, cream cheese, chicken, pork, lamb, use as a glaze in grillin & bbq'ing.
Available in 9 oz Jars - Retail Direct / Cases of 12 Wholesale & in food service
Garlic Topical Relief
Use in place of Vics Vapor Rub
Amish recipe when feeling sickness on set put on the bottom of your feet & wrap them over night, put it on your chest to open sinus
4 oz Glass Jar - Safety Sealed
Sold Wholesale 12 Per Case
retail Direct Discounted 2-8