Retail Direct
Open Saturday Feb 15st weather permitting, call first. Closed March 1st - we deliver.
Hot Soft Pretzels , Original Sourdough & more - Take home frozen

We are more than just pretzels
Hemp Seed is Energy
Protein Powder
Topicals for Pain Relief
Tinctures for Sleeping / Anxiety
Cycling Frog Retailer Starting 12/12/24

Organic Full Spectrum
Quality of Life is Very Important
Check out What we offer
NEW LOWER PRICES $39.95 for 4oz HnH
Next To Burning Bridge
John Wright Restaurant right down the road & the new beer garden is close by.

Wife Vetted
We look forward to expanding into more health & wellness products that help with physical & mental well being & balance.
Cycling Frog is in the fore front.
West Coast introduction to Wrightsville.

Topicals & Tinctures
Besides great high protein pretzels, condiments, and more we offer a line of pain relief salves, lotions, topicals &
produced in Pennsylvania from trusted sources.
Retail Concession Trailer; Saturdays Weather Permitting
New Item 1oz or 4oz
Resp-Eze is respiratory focused for all the sniffling, coughs & colds that are always out there. #1 Garlic along with Mullein Leaf working synergistically with other organic natural ingredients grown or sourced through a secure supply chain. Topical for chest, feet opening up the lungs & calming the body. SHOP RESPEZE

Let's roll 2025 -
Food Service ready soft pretzels that beat Annie Anne's, Philadelphia, New York or Chicago. Higher protein, plant based - vegan, gmo free, working with Dutch Country Soft Pretzels our licensed bakery.
Veteran Approved -