August 21,22 2024
Everyone grew flowering hemp over the last years and now are focusing on Industrial hemp, Steve highlighted 17 varieties being grown for fiber, applications like graphene for batteries, Hemp-Crete, textiles, automotive parts, carbon negative bio-plastics.
Lancaster Trading House, Inc is set up Wednesday all day meet Shawn House & enjoy a high protein soft pretzel made with hemp grain & produced in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The Farm Connection
Rumor had it years ago somebody was growing hemp - but know it was kenaf - So Steve Groff / Red Rose / No Til Fame and Shawn met prior when he came to our first Pubic Hemp Yoder's Restaurant event in 1998, we connected through his graciousness to let me set up a place for Kellie & Grayson Ziegler to start another part of their 13,000 mile journey on hemp bio diesel fuel - Steve was growing Kenaf / looked like hemp kind of - since than he's pursued the farming & knowledge base of working with true Cannabis Hemp and he is now part of the LTH network - find out more what the Hemp Car was all about.

Garlic You Know Its Good & Enriched.
Our ancestors knew the benefit of garlic and this traditional herbal salve has the added benefit of deep penetration through Lancaster County Cedar Meadow Farms hemp oil 400mg per bottle.

New lower prices.
What do you get when you have 90,000 SHU's of Cayenne herbs, organic crystal menthol & more - Available Wholesale or Retail Direct.
4 Acre Hemp A=Amaze
Steve has become very experienced with the CBD side of hemp flower and now over the years. HIs no till natural farming method is why we trust the end product in our NataliesChoice product line.
2022 we are looking forward to some large hemp seed and his industrial hemp variety for a possible 2022 Hemp Maze..
In 2021 they started a Hemp Maze - Saturday September 4th - with hemp foods, hemp education, beverages & on a beautiful no til farm in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, Holtwood to be exact.

Lancaster County's Hemp Innovator Steve Groff & Family may do it in 2022?