Healing Our Nation
For Those Who Served Without Question
and those who question the way today.
Our Veteran Connection

A strong foundation
Our flags where made of hemp, the declaration of independence, the draft was written on hemp paper, the Conestoga Wagon was covered with hemp canvas. The USS Constitution used 60 tons of hemp twice annually for rigging, canvas, oakum, sealant, Our animals & people ate the hemp seed without question, used it or the flower for quality of life in pharmacopia. We aren't re-inventing the wheel we are sweeping away the confusion, the narratives.
Son of a Veteran
I grew up on Ft Meade, MD, Ft Lewis Washington, Ft. Sam Houston TX, in Germany while my father learned how to fly Hueys, ultimately serving in Vietnam as a medivac pilot for a six month tour. Pictured here with Natalie House the inspiration for Veterans quality of life for time served.

Pilot William "Bill" Bravener 2005=2010
This veteran liked what I was doing & promoting with hemp, as a broker for Anderson Pretzels he was instrumental in getting me to meet Norm the Production manager & Joe Brocetti the operations manager.
The Hempzels(tm) Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nugget had a 5 year run, what was the difference? No High Fructose Corn Syrup was used, hemp flour was used & we eliminated the yeast. 25% of my yearly sales ended during the Peanut Scare & the minimum production runs where 18k pounds. A great opportunity to work & learn from a Veteran.

2025 Veteran Hope
You never know who you will meet at the Annual Pennsylvania Farm Show, it's been a rough 19 years advocating, educating & selling actual products to pay the bills. In walks Inspector General of the VFW's who was helping out at the Veterans of Foreign War booth at the farm show.
He loved the booth, the layout , the pretzels, the mustard, the history of hemp in the USA. This is encouraging me as the son of a Veteran who was inspirational in my hemp & political journey.