CoolHemp(tm) Coming To America
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Canadian Incubation
From one to three flavors and the potential of "Scentiva" we look forward to producing premium products as the brand evolves to those serving the dairy free community. Cool Hemp

Our Canadian Neighbor
Robbie & Christina Anderman and family where like us way ahead of their time when it came to developing great tasting hemp products. We are hempy to work with them and revive their Cool Hemp™ 100% Hemp Ice Cream.
We will be licensing commercial recipes to other production facilities to convert our 100% hemp milk into great tasting dairy free dessert or shakes - more to come as we put everything into place.
The Canadians have been a head of the curve in regards to understanding the value that hemp has in many ways. For the first half of our company we have imported Canadian Hemp seed until the American farmers caught up. 2021 they have so the goal is to bring the brand down into the USA & South America working with qualified production facilities that can produce what Woody Harrelson said was the greatest ice cream.
Stay tuned as we roll along - June into July 2022
A Canadian Family
The Anderman family started from an idea about creating a better dairy free product, Organic, Fair Trade, values they hold close to their brand. Farming & being stewards of the land leaving it in a better place.
We hope to spread this love for a great dairy free hemp ice cream to the Coolness of North America & than venture South.
This will start out Pennsylvania processed with the intention of 2022 to start contracting with our local farmers for the biggest hemp seed available to make the best hemp milk.

vous français
We have the French version available for the International market - Cool Hemp