Hemp Grain Nutrition
Whole, Shelled, Flour, Oil - true cannabis hemp seed is nutritious.

Cracked, Shelled, "Hearts" of Whole Seed
Richard Rose the original "HempNut™" coined the term in the late 1990's and introduced the Lancaster creators of Hempzels™ to the shelled seed in 1998 at an HIA Conference in California.
Previously our pretzels used hemp seed meal which was grittier, this living shelled seed is raw and higher in EFA's & protein but lacking the outer shell the fiber is lower.
We use this in combination with other ingredients in our soft pretzels, mustard, nut-less butter, jams and more. Next? Beverages / Desserts..
Start Using Hemp Seed
Plant protein, natural vitamins and minerals like Zinc, Potassium, Vitamin E.
Originally imported from Canada; it has always been lightly toasted with or without sea salt. Since the laws changed in the US we've sourced our whole seed from other States and look forward to working with Pennsylvania farmers.
The mantra has always been about "freeing the seed" or "It's All About the Seed" - 2024 let's get it going in our own back yard.
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One of the oldest seeds
Think of hemp seed like flax seed with differences
hemp seed has more vitamin e than flax seed
it's a digestible edible protein so you don't have to mill or grind it for the body to absorb the nutrients
available whole, shelled or as a high protein flour or as oil without the outer shell in bulk 50 lb bags
we keep our hemp seed in cold storage
for 20 years we imported from Canada today it's closer to home
versatile with a light "nutty" flavor
hemp seed is a vegetable not a nut
No THC / GMO Free / Kosher in bulk

Seed Grain Flour
From Canadian milled flour hemp seed meal flour nutritional profile.
More oil vs protein powder.
Seed Grain Hearts
Raw with the outer shell removed -hearts, HempNut(RR) -.
More oil vs fiber - higher protein than roasted.
Used in our Hempeanut Butter, Mustard, Pretzels, Jams.
Hemp Protein
When the whole seed is pressed for oil than the remaining seed meal is milled into a powder / flour.
What makes our hemp protein powder different?
it's 100% hemp - no fillers - nothing added - flavors
the highest on the market at 50% protein per serving
fine, mixable, bake able
gluten free 20ppm or less
USA produced -
now bagged 1.75 lb or 10 / 40 lb bulk

HEMPeanut Butter
Inspired from Richard Rose - the recipe is similar but not as creamy presently.
Shelled Hemp Seed - Roasted Peanuts - Hemp Oil, Small amount of Coconut Sugar and Sea Salt
8oz Jars produced by a woman owned facility in the White Rose County.
Soft Hempzels™
It's increased our protein and flavor profile of a premium pretzel using hemp seed, hemp flour and hemp oil - available to license in the USA.
Regular and Gluten or Wheat Free - Baked On Demand

Peanut Butter & Jelly Upgraded with hemp
Growing up on peanut butter & jelly this was an easy switch for me. On Whole Wheat Bread or a sliced hemp pretzel swirl Originally developed with whole hemp seed & hemp oil no sugar no salt but ahead of it's time and we couldn't meet the production minimums. I like the new formula better...
Adding to Tradition
So this outlawed plant has a seed that has been consumed over the ages and the USA is still trying to regulate it vs treating it like a tomato -
In Pennsylvania we've been using Canadian Hemp seed & now US for over 25 years without issue and we look forward to sending this to your house, business or restaurant. Wholesale we'll ship direct.

100% Hemp Ice cream developed by the Anderman family in Canada and now we are working to release this into the USA under license.
Non Dairy Dessert