Original Sourdough hemp by Revonah
HanoveR : RevonaH

"Original" Sourdough
Started in 1997 - a blend of hearts & hemp flour / Organic Brown Rice Flour. 8oz bags Approximately 8 to 9 hand made pretzels per bag; Ingredients: Unbleached wheat flour, hemp flour, organic brown flour, hemp seed, yeast, salt & soda. No Preservatives 1 of 4 bakery's doing it the old fashioned way in the USA
Ralph Amato CEO of No Problem Inc, with Don Riese & Mark Tucci approached Revonah.
At the Bakery in 2000.
Clarification - I do not own the bakery. This is where Ralph Amato helped start the Original Hemp Pretzel - Hempzels(tm).
We've won awards, were held up to defy authority from 2000-2004 when Hemp Foods could have been banned for good. Your business keeps us going ; buying online or from the few local businesses that carry our tasty sourdough hemp pretzel. That list will be expanding -

Bake On Demand
It's only 100 lbs to create a batch - 3 week notice is good - fill out the inquiry below to get started.
8oz Hempzel Labeled Bags or 5 lb bulk
18 Bags Per Case / 10 to 11 cases
42 Cases Per Pallet / 4 Batches
Shelf Life 90-120 days -

Wholesale Available
Yes we have a unique quality old fashioned pretzel that's been "Hempzelized". Available Wholesale but we are no longer baking & waiting for store orders. We want to coordinate and get everyone fresh pretzels around the bake date.