Organic Humans

We introduce plant based herbal remedy's produced exclusively for NataliesChoice in Pennsylvania with Organic  Wild Crafted sourced ingredients.

Avoid the gate keepers purchase from the source.

Odoo • Text and Image
Resp-Eze Salve natural alternative to Vicks
10.95 10.95 10.950000000000001 USD
Nice mini travel size or 4oz family size stay ahead of respiratory issues -
Mustard Horseradish Hemp N Honey 6 pack
26.50 26.50 26.5 USD
Reg $5 bottle $30 plus shipping
Hemp N Heat Travel Size
16.95 16.95 16.95 USD
A little dab will do you,
Almost Sold Out of Salve
Relaxing Hemp Herbal Blend Tincture Sublingual or Beverage
29.95 29.95 29.95 USD
Full Spectrum but half are with the herbs for sleep, anxiety, stress even addiction. Another trusted source for healing.
Hemp N' Heat Deep Tissue Salve Friends & Family Size
42.95 42.95 42.95 USD
Our best seller 4oz size 40K SHU of Cayenne & hemp oil 150mg per oz
Anti-Viral Salve Respiratory Calming Topical Family Size
35.00 35.00 35.0 USD
Organic all natural #1 garlic 4oz Size On Sale
Good Hemp Salve Nourish Skin, topical 4oz
37.95 37.95 37.95 USD
MSRP $39.95
Restless Leg,
1st ingredient hemp
Deep Tissue Herbal Rub 1 oz 4oz Salve or oil
0.00 0.0 USD
Deep Tissue salve
Whole Hemp Grain No Salt 8oz lightly roasted
4.20 4.20 4.2 USD
Just In Best by 12/25 kept cold add to your foods
Cycling Frog Gummies Jars
0.00 0.0 USD
We recommend these
Cycling Frog Gummies 10 packs
0.00 0.0 USD
10 gummies 4 flavors 2 types

Never hesitate to call

I am here to serve you at 1-800-USE-HEMP 873-4367 at the Lancaster Trading House hemp web portal - sales & products will continue to evolve as the company moves into 2024 with new resources.

Bless this food produced in Pennsylvania - hemp grain plus pretzels - growing the business retail direct. 

Connecting to our products

Our Retail Direct Location is up we are updating wholesale for B2B

  1. Please register for additional discounts. .

  2. If you have a store make sure you have wholesale access or you'll only see retail direct pricing.

  3. If there is a problem ordering, etc - please email or call 1-800-873-4367 so it can be corrected.

  4. This is an organic web portal - keep checking back for updates.

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