A Seed was planted at Yoder's
1999 I put on a show for the farmers & business people who wanted to know more about Cannabis
NEWS 1999 Meeting Agenda Hemp Project 1998 Steve Groffs Farm 2019 Canadian Journey
Meeting The Farmers

First or second meeting
Lancaster County gathering of farmers with first meeting: Robert Rex of the Friendly Chameleon who address the farmers about hemp paper / composites / obstacles. From this first meeting I knew we need to bring in a farmer to address the key questions. I arranged to have Jean Laprise address the farmers and than John Howell came down from NYC to address the market / his goal of contracting with farmers to market his lines. Successful but not profitable other than planting the seed.
April 11, 1999 Media
My second meeting was more successful having John Howell articulate the message on a large level. It was because of Jane Balmer's effort as the President of the Tobacco Growers Association who planted the seed in Maryland and helped guide common sense.

Hemp Project 1998
The events with the farmers rolled into be contacted by a fellow interested in putting a hempfest together in Lancaster which I got into - the Pequea Silver Mine Project Hemp Fest happened - we thought we would have 1000's of people, pre internet. .
2005 Journey to Canada
in 2005 I drove up to Ontario Hemp Alliance for their annual Field Day Event - I won a hemp hat, met Dan Scheele and was happy to listen to Gorden Sheifler pictured to the left an agronomist - .
Steve Groff's Farm 2019
I was asked to come down and set up a "museum" for the farmers who gathered to listen to speakers, we got Bryn Gohn to bring down his vehicle and 3d printer with hemp filament.