We Should Supply You!
Beer Festivals - Hemp Festivals - Wine Festivals our pretzel at your event.

Call me 1-800-USE-HEMP for high protein soft pretzel rods.
Order Today for your upcoming beerfest.
H - E - M - P - Z - E - L -S
Jon Henderson Thanks
Promoter Jon Henderson of the AC Celebration of the Suds, AC Tattoo Festival can vouch for our pretzels - he's helped us over the years in more ways than one. We are looking forward to Atlantic city April 2010 (canceled) - 2021 outdoors / we backed out this year. 2022! YES!
We are promoting responsible drinking with our higher protein hemp pretzels - prosit!
Hemp Hustle AC
We haven't been around since it's been out doors but this is some background from my fellow hemp entrepreneuer & master baker Les Stark who was kind enough to take some pictures while we helped feed high protein pretzels to customers drinking premium ale.
Hemp Pretzel Necklace
Our staff of volunteers helping feed the festival with our Hand Rolled Sourdough Hemp Pretzels baked at Uncle Henry's in Mohnton, Pennsylvania. Everyone got leighed-Hempzelized.
Booth & Fans and Beer Can't Beat It
3 Sessions happen - Friday night 6pm to 10pm than we wrap up, clean up, head to a motel down the black or white horse pike and come back Saturday morning 12-4pm than 6 to 10pm with VIP in between. Than we pack up and drive home. Intense but well worth it.
- AC Beerfest is hempening 2022 for us!
Bizarre AC Horror Festival Fans
Seafood Festival
Another Jon Henderon Production
During the summer we came out to Hempzelize the crowds - a few memories if you have pictures of our booth or my teams in action please contact me.
Tattoo Expo