What's in a name?
Before we get bigger & the industry starts to take shape.

Hemp is everywhere and we want to differentiate a brand name that is close to ours in the same industry.

Hempzel™ is a registered trademark since 1998 owned formally by No Problem Inc, Ralph Amato & since the sale of the company in 1999 by Shawn P. House and the Lancaster Trading House, Inc. denoting a line of pretzels made with hemp flour, etc

Hempcel™ is a registered trademark from Barbara Fillipones company Envirotextiles focused on industrial hemp fabric & a specific line of hemp textiles based in Colorado.

I bring this up as CEO of my company because the names could become confusing as we look to franchise our brands in the future months, years.

For the record; - Shawn Patrick House - 9/14/2022

What's in a name?
Lancaster Trading House, Inc., Shawn Patrick House
14 September, 2022
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